Welcome to the official website of the Itto Tenshin-ryu®, Yamate-Ryu®, and Goseki-ryu® Aiki Heiho. Our traditions have forged the human spirit for six generations.
While the cultural context in which these fighting traditions developed no longer exists, teachings to address conflict and strategy are as relevant today as they were at their inception. Principles for human performance and spiritual development are timeless.
The development of an orderly, unfettered, and powerful being will not occur haphazardly. It is the result of determined, intentional action. When the trials of individual pursuit are shared, brotherhood forms, and extraordinary moments of joy rise like steam from freshly quenched iron.
Our traditions are not for fanciful escape but to enhance life through direct experience. Training does not take place in a school but in a dojo. Its goal is not to teach new things but to develop a new way of being. At the heart of it all; self-mastery.
Our traditional practices are marked by a distinctive kind of etiquette rooted in Japanese social customs and culture. Their use has nothing to do with subjugation but the responsible study of conflict and power.
The three martial traditions we propagate are distinct methods with unique teachings, opening the gate to the same realizations.
The study of the Ittō Tenshin-ryū or Yamate-ryū requires applying to a dojo licensed to teach these arts. All dojo licensed to teach these arts are listed here.
Goseki Aiki Heiho may be studied through "distance learning." While it is a comprehensive martial tradition focusing on the development of "aiki," it is well suited to serve as supplemental learning to an existing study of jujutsu, aikijujutsu, aikido, iado, kendo, or kenjutsu.
For a deeper understanding of the gestalt of our traditions, read: My Budo Budo & Bujutsu Foreword: The Way & The Power Kenjutsu Kyoka

A tradition of swordsmanship and strategy focused on the development of a strong, dynamic, and focused spirit.
Aikijutsu, derived from jujutsu, is a formalized method for the development of aiki. Its origins are rooted in warrior traditions in which people bore arms.
A modern art based on old traditions, featuring intense self-study and direct transmission from instructor to student.
More information forthcoming.