Seminar Request Form & Information

Seminar Request Form & Information.

Our traditions have a long history of transmitting their teachings through seminars. This requires a sincere desire to learn and the spirit to fulfill that desire. To request a seminar, please review the following information and submit the Seminar Request Form.

Transmitting the Tradition

In our traditions, strenuous physical interaction between sensei and deshi during a technique is fundamental to transmitting the art, and both must be free to engage directly with  attendees. Therefore, an active insurance policy that covers visiting instructors must be in place before the seminar.

Financial Matters

While discussing financial matters may be complicated in traditional Japanese culture, we want to clarify the financial requirements for hosting a seminar. There are two distinct components: Travel expenses and a "gift" for the instructor.

Travel Expenses

The seminar host will be responsible for reasonable travel and  per diem rates including lodging, meals and incidentals. These rates will mirror the directives of the U.S. General Service Administration.

We will consider lodging arrangements and meals offered by the host on a case-by-case basis. These would reduce the host's financial responsibilities as the per-diem is based on lodging and three meals daily.

"Gift" (For The Visiting Instructor)

In our tradition, the deshi-sensei relationship materializes through fulfilling expectations and obligations, not a financial transaction. There is no "payment for services rendered." Instead, the deshi, wishing to continue training, provides for the well-being of the instructor. In turn, the instructor continues to share the

tradition's teachings directly. If host and attendees gain value from the seminar, it is customary for every attendee to provide the instructor with such a gift. While there is no required amount, some will give US$ 25.00 each day.


The host will advertise the seminar. We will provide digital images and media upon request to support this effort. In addition, we will announce the event through our website and social media.