Blog: Simple Things Matter
Original articles, videos, and more.
Budo & Bujutsu
There exists, among many of today’s students, a certain amount of confusion as to the difference between a Ko-Budo and a Ko-Bujutsu. Of particular interest to the martial artist is the difference in attitude required from the students of these respective arts.
Martial (ART) or (MARTIAL) Art?
So, you’re a martial artist. Are you really? Many people use the phrase for years without ever pausing to consider what it really means. Have you ever even looked the words up in a dictionary?
The Dojo
Throughout the world there are numerous training facilities for the Asian martial arts. However, very few of these places rate the title of dojo. The more commonly used terms of studio or gymnasium are, in general, much more appropriate. These institutions teach only the shell of an art and neither understand nor attempt to transmit its heart.
Bujutsu - The Military Mind-Set
All too many students of the martial arts ignore, or conveniently forget, the simple fact that martial is just another word for military. They may try to fool themselves into believing that they are studying a martial art but, by rejecting its military aspects, they have ripped out the heart of it.