Blog: Simple Things Matter
Original articles, videos, and more.
Budo & Bujutsu
There exists, among many of today’s students, a certain amount of confusion as to the difference between a Ko-Budo and a Ko-Bujutsu. Of particular interest to the martial artist is the difference in attitude required from the students of these respective arts.
Budo and a Block of Wood
During a recent conversation on budō, the topic of just how difficult it is to judge a kata in an open karate tournament came up. For a JKA black-belt to judge a series of JKA kata is not too hard. But, what if he has to look at a series of kata from schools as diverse as Shorin-ryū, Gōjū-ryū, and Wadō-ryū? Aside from the fact that there are major differences in techniques, there will also be some major differences in the philosophy behind the techniques.
Aikijutsu and Jujutsu: A psychological and philosophical differentiation
The journey is a long one, from basic jūjutsu to the ethereal realm of pure aiki, yet it is a road oft traveled. Some people never make it past the primitive stage of a thump on the head, while others take a few faltering steps and lose their way. But the magic remains. A magic that, once experienced even for a fleeting moment, traps an individual in a silken web.